The Many Styles of Engagement Rings Available These Days

When Henry Ford introduced his world changing Model T, he quipped "You can have it in any color you want, as long as it's black." Stepping away from his peculiarities (this is the man after all who tried to catch Thomas Edison's final breath in a bottle) he had a reasoning for the one choice in color. By eliminating options, he managed to keep the cost of the car as low as possible. If he had multiple colors to choose from it would have slowed down the assembly line tremendously, and it was an efficiently run assembly line that kept the prices down. Engagement rings have often seemed to have that same mentality. You can get any ring that you want, as long as it is a diamond solitaire on a gold band. This isn't to say that there is anything wrong with such a traditional look, but times have changed and now there are so many more options to choose from when you are shopping for diamond engagement rings.

One of the most popular choices that have come to the market in the last several years is platinum engagement rings. There are many reasons for this new found popularity. First and foremost platinum is beautiful to look at. It has a similar base color to silver but offers more of a shine than the more typically polished out silver that you find in many rings. This shine helps to make the diamond sparkle even more than it normally would, and that is the point of the ring, to be the supporting cast that makes the star, the diamond, shine.

Another important reason is that it has a price point that can be more accessible than gold or even silver. Obviously a low cost doesn't matter if the product is not worth having (you aren't going to buy an ugly ring just because it is cheap) but when it is as good looking and platinum and it is at a more affordable price, it becomes something that many people are interested in.

The final big reason why platinum engagement rings have become popular is because of guys. When a couple is shopping for the wedding wings to exchange, obviously they are going to want to choose bands that match the precious metal the engagement ring is made from. Many guys aren't comfortable wearing jewelry, mostly because they never have, and the platinum can come across as slightly more manly, making them less reluctant to agree to wear a ring in the first place.

The choices that a person has when it comes to engagement rings are greater now than it ever has been. Between the myriad of cuts available on the diamonds to the variety of precious metals to set the diamond on (not to mention all of the different settings that are being pioneered, thanks to the growth of handmade jewelry) the ring you get today may truly end up being the most unique piece of jewelry you'll ever buy.

The Author is a professional jewelry expert from USA. She provide valuable write-ups for various topic including loose diamonds, custom design jewelry, diamond engagement rings .

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