Reasons Why People Value Lab Created Diamonds

Diamond stones might be overpriced but a lot of people today are after it. It's the top choice when it comes to diamond rings and wedding rings. High profile famous people and royalties are fond of wearing gemstone jewelries when they are out in the general public. Obviously, not everyone can possess a diamonds because of how very expensive it is. Many people then use lab created diamond rather than the genuine ones. To the naked eye, there's no way of telling the difference between these two types of gemstones because they are practically precisely the same, physically and chemically. Both are made of crystallized carbon molecules and shine and sparkle in the same manner.

The authentic diamonds are the ones that go through in depth mining operation as these are formed deep within the Earth's crust under intense heat and pressure. Laboratory created diamonds are still real stones only that they are processed in a laboratory using devices similar to how the original real diamonds are formed. Carbon gets crystallized under intense pressure and temperature. Experts call it HPHT or High Pressure High Temperature method and CVD or Chemical Vapor Deposition.

The machines used for the HPHT method can build up a very high pressure and temperature to be able to form the diamonds. There are three kinds of press designs that the HPHT method uses - the belt press, the cubic press and split-sphere (BARS) press.

With Chemical Vapor Deposition, the diamonds form from the hydrocarbon gas mixture that is energized inside a chamber. The CVD method is more flexible and uncomplicated than the HPHT and it has the capacity to produce diamonds over large areas on various substrates. There has been a lot of discussion about HPHT and CVD, on which of the two methods is more promising. Each offers its own advantages and disadvantages so both methods are still widely used.

It is quite rare to find mined diamonds that are fancy colored. Hues of red, green and pink are among the rarest colored diamonds found. The presence of other components like nitrogen, hydrogen, etc. as well as other conditions during the creation of diamond stones is the end result of such colors. Out of a large number of clear diamond stones, there can only be one colored diamond stone found. That explains why they are so highly pricey and can be impractical at some point. Diamond makers also can add a wide range of colors to their diamonds by manipulating the added chemical impurities during diamond growth. In fact, lab created diamonds have more extreme and rich colors when compared to authentic ones. These lab created colored gemstones are evidently as beautiful as the natural ones but are more affordable to the public but in no way cheap.

One of the most important reasons why people value lab created diamonds more than the mined ones is because they are more eco-friendly. Large mining operations are performed to be able to acquire original diamond stones. Although some people still prefer the traditional real diamonds that is actually made by nature, the negative effects on the environment of natural diamonds have changed a lot of other peoples' thoughts when it comes to buying a diamond stone.

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