Loose Diamonds How are They Made?

Many people are under the false assumption that diamonds are created by the metamorphism of coal. This is not true at all. Loose diamonds are being discovered in diamond mines all over the world. Let's explore exactly how these beautiful stones have come to surface.

Deep within the earth's mantle, there are very high temperatures and pressure that are crucial in the formation of diamonds. Without these factors, would not exist. Diamond formation happens at least ninety miles into the earth, below the surface. Temperatures that far into the earth can exceed two thousand degrees! These types of conditions are not present in the earth's mantle right now, so we are actually harvesting diamonds from over a hundred million years ago. They have been sitting in the dirt and mud patiently awaiting their discovery. The mantle beneath the stable interiors and continental plates are the only places where it is thought such conditions exist to form diamonds. After baking under extreme pressure deep within our earth, a volcanic eruption is the method that brings the diamonds closer to the surface of the earth. The eruptions rip pieces of the mantle out and shoot them toward the surface of the earth. These eruptions do not happen very often. In fact, since scientists have discovered these volcanic eruptions, none have happened in our lifetime.

For a long, long time, the earth has been hit numerous times by asteroids. When these asteroids smash into the earth extreme temperatures occur. If the asteroid is big enough, this can be similar to millions of nuclear explosions on earth. This impact from an asteroid produces prime conditions in which diamonds can be formed. They are, in fact, ideal. Of course if this happened, no one would be left on the earth to reap the benefits of obtaining the diamonds. We do not want to get hit by asteroids, but the conditions are ideal for diamond formation. This theory was first brought to light when tiny diamonds were discovered around the impact sites of asteroids. Some researcher even believe that diamonds can be formed in space! The diamonds found in meteors in space are too small to use for a piece of jewelry, but it is proof that they are there.

Loose diamonds are all over the world. One day they will be discovered, cut, polished by a professional jeweler then they will become a part of a beautiful piece of jewelry that may end up around your neck.

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James Henary William has published 14 articles. Article submitted on October 09, 2013. Word count: 409

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