Loose Diamonds Help During the Holidays

Don't loose your mind over Christmas wish lists and endless Dear Santa letters this holiday season. Save yourself from the worry over your finances and credit situations. Free up your savings from the annual borage of setbacks and unexpected hits to your bottom line. This will be the year you come out on top! This time around you are going to be smart, save money, and invest in loose diamonds!

The notion didn't catch on in the beginning with the same tenacity and vigor that you now hold for the idea. At first, you were leery of the concept. You had a lot of questions, and the unfamiliar territory had you doubting your first impressions. When you first heard about the certified diamond trade, and all the amazing money you could invest and potentially save, you were excited to learn more. However, you had never bought directly from a source before. You had certainly never bought loose stones either. So naturally, you began to have your doubts.

A quick Google search will immediately splash an enormous amount of information in your direction. Do not let this overwhelm you. There are a lot of people jumping on the diamond bandwagon these days. If you want to join in on the action, you are going to need to educate yourself accordingly. We suggest starting with the 4 C's of diamond qualities: cut, color, clarity, and carat. Some people say there is even a 5th C: certificate. We won't argue there.

Become familiar with these terms. Knowing what to look for in a precious stone is extremely valuable information. There is a lot of alien looking terminology to navigate through when you're looking at diamonds. Having firsthand knowledge of these terms and what they mean will not only help you navigate safely in the gem world, but it will also help steer you clear of counterfeit, fake, and devious companies that sell less than quality stones.

A good way to spot these guys is to take a look at their return policies. What's that? They don't offer one? Okay, run the other direction! We could not be more clear about this one: do not buy from anyone who does not back up their gemstones with hefty, hefty return policies. Another thing to run from: not offering certificates of authenticity. This is that 5th C a lot of people will refer too.

A certificate is an authorized loose diamond grading report that will be signed by the professional gemologist who made the report. Why do you need this? As soon as you receive your diamond, take it to another gemologist for a second opinion, and if their report doesn't match the one that was sent with your stone, guess what? You get to use that return policy!

Ellis is an entrepreneur and freelance writer, specializing in consumer education topics like loose diamonds , engagement rings, custom jewelry, and the latest trends in fancy diamond pendants. Her background in marketing and sales helps add a flavorful punch to her writing.

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