Loose Diamonds Are Forever

Certified loose diamonds are all the rage at the moment. We are seeing advertising and marketing for these diamonds and gemstones everywhere. It's the latest and greatest in jewelry purchasing, and we want you to be in the know like everyone else. If you're considering this buying trend, we want you browsing and buying with ease. The world of online retail can be scary. So we are here to help and lead down the path of enlightenment.

We're sure a lot of you first had visions of James Bond and illegal diamond cartels carrying around millions of dollars in loose stones. We have all seen the movies. Dazzling, enormous, and extremely rare loose gems being carted around the world in velvet or leather pouches. Being shown to prospective buyers in the hopes of attaining unmarked cash or freeing a hostage lover.

While that all sounds wonderfully dreamy, we are actually talking about the real deal here. There are businesses willing to put their stones up for sell, and all at realistic prices. Other companies make their bread and butter from this trade dealing solely in the loose gem business. So, why not take advantage of these incredible deals?

You're not exactly the daredevil type though. You prefer visiting the local trusted jeweler and paying top dollar. You feel safe this way. What if we told you trusted companies offer return policies and certificates of authenticity? Sound a little to good to be true? Okay, let us explain.

A certificate of authenticity is a document created by a professional gemologist. Huh? If you've ever heard of the four C's, then you may know a thing or two about diamond qualities. Having documented proof of the color, clarity, carat, and cut of your stone is very important. Not only for appraisal purposes but also for your peace of mind. You want to know you got exactly what you paid for!

Which brings us to our other safety net: the return policy. A company dealing only in honest trade will offer this to their respective clients. It is usually a 30-day policy. During this window of time, you have a chance to get what we call a second gem-pinion. Take the certified loose diamond to another gemologist and see if their report matches the report of authenticity you received. If it doesn't, guess what: you get to return the rock for a full refund. We bet Mr. Bond never got that courtesy!

Ellis is an entrepreneur and freelance writer, specializing in consumer education topics like loose diamonds , custom jewelry, and the latest trends in diamond engagement rings. Her background in marketing and sales helps add a flavorful punch to her writing. Rate this Article

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Ellis K Adams has published 4 articles. Article submitted on October 17, 2013. Word count: 406

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