Diamond Dressing Tools - Important to Industries

The word diamond offers a sparkling image to mind whenever we talk about it. The shine it offers makes it a perfectly utilized stone in gem industry. However, diamonds are not just restricted to jewelry and ornaments. Besides using this precious stone for making jewelry, it is widely used in industries because of their superior mechanical properties. After diamonds are mined, they are treated differently to determine them on properties like carat, color, clarity, and cut. The piece that matches perfectly to some standards are employed in making jewelry while others are send to industries to use them to make diamond dressing tools. Such tools are used extensively in industries as they are used majorly in grinding wheels.

Diamond dressers are available in different specifications and types. Some of the common types are single point, multi point, cluster type, and impregnated diamond dressers. The life span of such dressers is longer and they do not require frequent resetting. These dressers are very effective as high quality diamonds and employed in such tools. Diamonds are placed properly with strong adhesive to ensure that the diamond stays in place.

Diamonds are known best for being high in strength, having excellent wear resistance and have excellent abrasive nature. Cutting tools made up of Diamonds are used widely in industries because of their versatility. Diamond cutting tools are used extensively in a number of industries such as construction industry, petrochemical, plastic, textile, automobile building, cement, power, food, and medical industry. These are mostly utilized in metallurgical specimens.

Diamond is used mostly as cutting agent due to its wearing down and renewing properties. This sparkling stone is used in different forms to use as an abrasive agent. It is employed in the form of powder and paste for sharpening purposes. To use diamonds in powder form, it is crushed into smaller pieces and then used. Paste on the other hand, is made by mixing powder with some special kind of liquids.

Besides these two forms, diamond grit is used for applications that involve drilling and sawing. The grit is available in a variety of sizes, grades, and grit scatter in diameter. A number of companies are there that offer high quality diamond grits for industrial purposes. This powder is free from defects and is manufactured by using advanced technology. The diamond grits are used in impregnating dressers thus enhancing their sharpness and durability. These are manufactured in different shapes and sizes to suit different applications.

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Shivansh Kohli has published 10 articles. Article submitted on October 10, 2013. Word count: 406

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