Three Ideas For Low Cost Engagement Rings

So you've found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, and you know she doesn't care about money. Just the same, you really want to blow her away with a stellar engagement ring you'll both be proud to show off, but you know how much traditional engagement rings cost and you don't really have two month's salary to dedicate to the one you really want. There's no reason to fret. There are many different and creative ways to give her a ring she'll never forget on a limited budget.

Purchase A Loose Diamond

A diamond that's already married to a band is going to cost more. This is because, not only are you paying for the gem and the band, but you're paying for labor it took to pair them, which entails a specific design for the band, a specific cut for the gem and the markup. You can save around 25% on a loose diamond versus one that's attached to a ring already. This way, you can also choose the size jewel you want, the cut you want; it improves your options.

Investigate Synthetic Or Faux Gems

Many people know about cubic zirconium as a low budget replacement for a diamond, but much fewer people know about moissanite. Moissanite has been around in industry and jewelry for quite some time, but to the untrained eye it is virtually indistinguishable from a real diamond, has similar hardness and luster properties, and is much more affordable. It is a rare mineral that can actually be found inside of a diamond mine. Unless the gem goes under the meticulous eye of a jeweler, almost no one can tell the difference. Similarly, synthetic diamonds are also making their way onto the market, which are actual diamonds; that is, physically and chemically identical to the highly desirable earth-made gems, but created synthetically in a lab by layering carbon lattices on top of one another. This is the same way coal is converted into a diamond in the earth using tremendous heat and pressure, but laboratories are able to drastically expedite the process. Making a synthetic diamond takes about a week. These are also slightly less expensive.

Investigate Budget Metals

The fact is, not everyone can afford gold or platinum for an engagement ring, but this shouldn't stop someone from proposing to someone they love; look into less expensive metals. They can still be paired with gems and they can still have a brilliant elegance to them. Titanium and tungsten carbide rings are extremely durable, high quality rings that are surprisingly inexpensive. They will last forever, never scratch and are hypoallergenic. Silver is an excellent choice. It is more expensive than titanium or tungsten carbide, but far less than gold or platinum. They hold a brilliant shine, though pure silver is too soft to have a diamond set in it. A silver ring will hold a moissanite stone, however.

Buying an engagement ring doesn't have to set you back so far that you feel you're sacrificing your financial future. With these tips, you'll be able to create the perfect ring to show her how you feel, and she'll love the fact that you did.

This is a guest post article by Eric Worden of a site that offers current information about engagement rings and gift Ideas.

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