Loose Diamonds: The Sparkling Benefits (Ansel Adams)

Loose diamonds are favored by many diamond buyers for their easiness to work with. Consider the difference between a diamond already set in a piece of jewelry and one that is not set. Diamonds that are loose are easier for professional jewelers to handle and examine, since they can be viewed from every possible angle. This results in a much more accurate and thorough examination, leading to better estimates. Due to their extreme value, diamond buyers usually choose to get their fine jewelry pieces independently insured, and those estimates are hugely influenced by the appraisals given of the diamond itself. Diamonds that are purchased and evaluated loose tend to have higher monetary coverage provided by insurance companies than diamonds that have been evaluated within the confines of a setting.

When you purchase diamonds loose, there are certain characteristics you should look for, which will briefly be described below. The 4 C's of diamond evaluation should be understand by casual buyers as they give you an insight as to which questions you should be asking your local jewelers when making purchases. Clarity is the first of the 4 C's, and is related to any imperfections, inclusions or scratches that appear on the diamond itself. Clarity is evaluated under high powered microscopes by industry professionals. The second of the 4 C's is carat weight, a way to measure the mass of an individual diamond. The more mass a diamond has, the more it will be worth. More mass means a bigger diamond. The third characteristic is cut. Cut refers to the way a diamond is faceted and proportioned in order to create a specific shape that shows off the unique brilliance of the gemstone. Ideal cut tends to be the most common style and moves in what we think of as the 'traditional' diamond shape.

Lastly, diamonds are also evaluated by color. Diamonds usually have traces of color within them that are either yellow or brown, although sometimes these hues are erased with the use of laser technology. Colorless diamonds are rare to find naturally and are astronomically expensive. Usually, a diamond that has a noticeable but not hideous tint of organic coloring is the norm. These are all features that are easier to look at and grade on loose diamonds than on set ones. They can be held and turned in any way that the evaluator needs them to in order to get a better view of a specific area and feature. Processing ...

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