How to Tell the Difference of a Counterfeit Tiffany Jewelry (Donna Fisher)

Many brand-name items are often counterfeited and sold at lower prices. This is true of many designer items, including pocketbooks, shoes and jewelry. It is especially true of Tiffany jewelry, perhaps one of the more popular types of jewelry that is available. If you are interested in purchasing Tiffany jewelry but want to ensure that you're not getting a counterfeit, here are a few things for you to keep in mind that will allow you to tell the difference between what is real and what may be a fake.

One of the most important things for you to consider when purchasing jewelry from Tiffany & Co. or any brand-name item, is that you should never trust an unsolicited email or message from any service. Tiffany's is never going to send out spam email offering to sell their expensive jewelry at lower prices. If you do get one of those emails or if somebody sends you a message through another service, simply ignore it, or better yet, report it as a scam. Not only will you be helping yourself to avoid the possibility of purchasing something that is counterfeit, you may also be helping somebody else to avoid the problem as well.

It is also important for you to understand that Tiffany's is never going to sell their jewelry at a discounted price. They don't run sales as do many of the other jewelry stores that are popular. Along the same lines, there are never outlet stores that are going to sell Tiffany jewelry at a discounted price and you will never find that any of their items are sold at a wholesale location. In most instances, when you see such an offer, it will make the statement that they are buying their jewelry from China and getting it at a discount. Tiffany's makes all of their own jewelry in the United States, with a select few items being made in Mexico, Spain or Italy.

You should also be familiar with the way that Tiffany's marks their jewelry. Each piece of Tiffany's jewelry is going to be stamped with the Tiffany & Company mark, and in most cases it is also going to be stamped with the date that the item was trademarked. This is also true of many other high-quality pieces of jewelry. In some cases, the counterfeit jewelry is not going to be stamped in the same manner so it will be easy to identify as a counterfeit. If you are purchasing any piece of Tiffany jewelry online, including on eBay or any other auction website, make sure that the markings are clearly shown in the photograph. If there is any doubt, ask the seller to post additional pictures.

One other important thing that you can do to determine if you are looking at counterfeit Tiffany jewelry is to compare it with what is available on the official Tiffany & Co. website. It is true that some people are going to sell used items and you will be able to get those at a lower price, but it is always a good idea to confirm the fact that it is legitimate.

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